
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Waterbeach Cycling Campaign:

  • S/2075/18/OL Waterbeach New Town - RLW Estates outline app

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) for
    development of up to 4,500 dwellings, business, retail,
    community, leisure and sports uses; new primary and
    secondary schools and sixth form centre; public open
    spaces including parks and ecological areas; points of
    access, associated drainage and other infrastructure,
    groundworks, landscaping, and highways works.

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  • Cambridgeshire Local Highway Improvement (LHI) Initiative funding

    Created by Daniel Thomas // 1 thread

    Every year there is funding available through Cambridgeshire County Council's Local Highway Improvement (LHI) Initiative to improve county highways. Organisations can submit proposals to improve highways and we should do so to bring about improvements to cycling and walking infrastructure.

    This article describes our successful test case submission for LHI funding:

    This article describes the LHI funding process:

    Each submission must cost less than £11,000 total and while multiple related issues may be included in one submission they should be grouped by county ward (partly to make site visits easier). We should prepare an initial list of ideas by June of each year so that the site visits and liaising with local councillors, council officers, and other organisations can be completed by October. If we want to make more than one submission we will need a different co-sponsoring organisation for each submission as each organisation is only allowed one submission per year.

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  • DEFRA consultation - ends May 8th

    Created by TJ // 1 thread

    Is the Cycling Campaign writing a response to the DEFRA consultation on how to reform the CAP post-Brexit ? Does anyone know if other (national) cycling groups have responded ?

    I was thinking that the public good of opening up private farm tracks would be beneficial to commuter and leisure cyclists. For instance I'm sure there's a farm near Grantchester which allows cyclists through, but you need special permission (live in a specific village ?). There must be other examples, where opening up to all cyclists would help commuters from villages.

    The documentation is here:

    online consultation form here:

    It is long winded form, but you can skip pages which you have no interest or knowledge of. However, this is the question which may be of most interest to us:

    1. How can we improve the delivery of the current Countryside Stewardship scheme and increase uptake by farmers and land managers to help achieve valuable environmental outcomes?

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  • S/0791/18/FL Relocated Waterbeach railway station

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Missed this one - sorry.

    Two accesses: new road with junction on Cody Road and improvement to Bannold Drove to form primary NMU access. New road from Cody Road will have 3m verge-protected shared-use pathway on north side. Bannold Drove ('varies - nominal 4m width') will be surfaced, traffic-calmed and gated to prevent motor vehicle access to the station. Where Bannold Drove meets the new access road there will be a crossing with walking and cycling priority to reach the shared-use pathway on the north side. The pathway will end at the cycle parking area, currently proposed to be 100 spaces provided in covered double-stackers plus 6 Sheffield stands for 'larger cycles'. Passive provision is made for a mirroring set of double stacker stands.

    I think the main qualm is with the cycle parking. Unsure how much there should be, but with all this space there ought to be more Sheffield stands I think. Also unclear how much security there will be, if any. CCTV at a minimum like Cambridge North, I imagine, is what's achievable. I've been told that the current Waterbeach station suffers from bike theft quite a lot, so this is important.

    Ideally we would want segregated walking/cycling routes but I'm unsure this is worth pushing hard on since Bannold Drove will be relatively wide & used for emergency access possibly & this is not that urban a location (though maybe someday it will be?).

    Slightly outside our usual remit but we may want to join with some other commenters to note that it is horribly cruel to put the lifts at the far, far end of the platform away from the station entrance, meaning that anyone in a wheelchair has traverse the entire northbound platform to reach the southbound platform (and then move up to wherever the train stops). Knowing how often lifts fail, we should press for lifts to be included in both station bridges (there are two proposed, one at each end, but only the far one has lifts proposed now).


    Relocated railway station comprising platforms, pedestrian bridges, access road, pedestrian and cycle routes, car and cycle parking, with other associated facilities and infrastructure.

    Land between Cody Road and railway, north of Waterbeach, Cambs

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/0791/18/FL

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  • DfT Consultation - Reporting road accidents to the police

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    At the moment if you need to report a road traffic accident you must do so in person at a police station or to a police constable.

    This proposals in this consultation would allow police forces to offer drivers the option of submitting accident reports by other methods.

    The proposals would require changes to Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
    This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 24 April 2018

    1 Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (“the Act”) requires drivers involved in
    certain traffic accidents which occur on the road or other public place to report the
    accident in person at a police station, or to a constable.
    2 Reporting accidents in person puts burdens on drivers, businesses and police forces.
    Therefore the Government proposes to amend the Act to allow police forces to offer
    drivers the option of submitting accident reports by other methods.
    3 We expect that, as a result of this change, police forces will offer drivers the option of
    reporting accidents online or by telephone. This will make it simpler, quicker and
    cheaper for drivers to fulfil their statutory obligation to report the accident, and for the
    police to record the accident details.

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  • Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) safety review

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread


    ``Invites those with an interest in improving safety of cyclists and pedestrians to provide evidence, drawing on experience from the UK or other countries, that can be used to shape future policy decisions.


    Active travel, making journeys by physically active means such as cycling and walking, has huge potential benefits both for individuals and for our wider society. The Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, published in April 2017, set out our aim to make cycling and walking the natural choices for shorter journeys or as part of a longer journey.

    We have made good progress to date; Government spending on cycling trebled between 2010 and 2017, and on average people are cycling further than they did ten years ago. In some cities, notably London, there has been a sharp increase in the level of cycling. But there is much more to do, and our ambition in this review goes further still: to make cycling the natural mode of transport even for a 12 year old.

    Since the cycle safety review was announced, the Department has worked closely with cycling, walking and wider road safety organisations to identify the main issues that should be tackled as a priority to improve safety between cyclists and other road users. During that process of engagement, it became clear how many actual and potential policy areas were relevant to cyclists and pedestrians alike.

    Given our strong commitment to cycling and walking, we have therefore decided to use this review to consider safety measures that will bring cycling and walking closer together as part of our overall ambition to increase active travel.

    Cycling, like walking, needs to be universally seen as easy, fun and safe. Safety, and the perception of safety, are vital if we are to create a rapid increase in the use of active travel.

    The truth is that cycling is generally very safe, and serious accidents are rare. But we need to make it safer still, for all road users, so that it becomes a default mode of transport, whatever one’s age or background. But safety does not simply include road safety - it also includes physical health and well-being, in a clean and green environment. The evidence is clear: cycling and walking have the capacity to transform the health and well-being, not only of people who walk and cycle themselves, but of everyone in society.

    We now have a great opportunity: to recast local and national approaches to active travel, and create a new world of genuinely multimodal transport. But to do this we need your help, ideas and evidence. This consultation document summarises some of the key evidence for change, and then highlights key areas in which we are seeking your views.

    We are looking for great ideas, for evidence of what works, for examples of good practice from other countries, for innovative technologies, for imaginative solutions, and for idealism tempered with a sense of the practical. Over to you!


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  • S/0795/18/RM Cambridge Sport Lakes between Milton and Waterbeach

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Massive new site connecting Waterbeach and Milton along the west side of the railway. Includes a navigable tunnel under the railway connecting to the River Cam with a new bridge to maintain the existing towpath. Seems to have big implications for the Waterbeach Greenway option along the west side of the railway in addition to everything else.

    1.1.1 Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust (a registered charity) has been established to construct, maintain and operate a 95.1 ha 220-acre lake, country park, and Sports Centre close to the centre of Cambridge. The sports centre created from this vision, Cambridge Sport Lakes is intended to be one of the country's largest purpose-built sports facilities and competition venues for rowing, triathlon and cycling.
    1.1.2 The aim is to create a multi-sport facility designed for the teaching and practice of rowing,
    canoeing, triathlon, cycling and other sports from Community/Club level up to Olympic level. The Lakes will offer 100 acres of wooded parkland and 10 miles of bank habitat for the public to enjoy. It will be a place where hundreds can experience a sense of physical wellbeing on a daily basis through the pursuit of outdoor recreations.
    9.2.1 Fen Road at Milton is the only public highway that crosses the proposed site. This road runs east from the village centre of Milton and terminates at the towing path on the River Cam.
    9.4.1 Fen Road will cross the Training Lake on a new bridge with pedestrian and cycle access routes formed to connect Fen Road to the new towpaths on each side of the Lake. It will connect Milton village with the site.
    9.4.2 Fen Rivers Way (the towpath) will cross The Cut on a new bridge, the impact of which will be the requirement for gentle approach ramps on each side. It will connect to the new towpaths on each side of The Cut and provide public access into the site from the south.
    9.7.1 There will be considerable increases in public access for foot and bicycle traffic in the south, via new footways that will connect to the Fen Rivers Way (River Cam towing path), Milton Country Park and with Fen Road at Milton. At the north, they will connect into the village of Waterbeach at Cardyke Road, thus providing a north-south linkage with Milton. A designated cycleway will similarly link the park south to the Fen Rivers Way and has the potential to connect to the new Jane Coston Cycle Bridge over the A14 via Fen Road or Milton Country Park. At the north, the cycleway can connect into Cardyke Road at Waterbeach. This will add an important link in the Cambridge to Ely cycleway which is being developed by Sustrans.

    There is also on-site cycle parking in a covered shelter to be examined.


    Application for approval of all reserved matters referred to in Conditions 1 and 5 of planning permission S/0032/06/F for the change of use of land to create a multi-sport park, construction of lakes with water storage, canal, new and changed roads, cycling and BMX tracks, Bridges (3), engineering operations, embankments and landscaping and outline permission to construct a sports centre, boathouse, finish line towers (2), warden accommodation (2) and amenity blocks (3).

    Land adjacent to Milton and between Milton and Waterbeach, Cambs, CB25 9NJ

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/0795/18/RM

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  • S/0012/18/OL: Outline permission for 50 dwellings. Beach Road, Cottenham

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 50 dwellings (use class c3) and associated works, including access, car and cycle parking, open space and landscaping

    Land Off Beach Road, COTTENHAM, CB24 8RL

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/0012/18/OL

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  • A10 Ely to Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads

    The Ely to Cambridge Transport Study is a wide-ranging multi-modal study which has made recommendations on the transport schemes needed to accommodate the major development planned at a new town north of Waterbeach, Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) and the Cambridge Science Park (CSP). The study has three strands:
    - Strand 1 looks at the overall transport requirements on the corridor
    - Strand 2 looks at the specific requirements for growth at Waterbeach
    - Strand 3 looks at the specific requirements for growth at CNFE/CSP

    The commission has delivered:
    - An options study and Strategic Outline Business Case for the overall package of
    interventions on the Ely to Cambridge corridor;
    - A transport study that identifies the infrastructure package and phasing of that
    package to provide for the transport demand of the development of a new town north
    of Waterbeach,
    - A transport study supported by modelling which provides evidence for the level of
    development which could be supported in the CNFE/CSP area and its phasing, in transport terms.

    The scope of the study was drawn up to incorporate three separate, but interlinked issues; namely the need for a Strategic Planning Document or Area Action Plan for both Waterbeach New Town and the CNFE, hence providing a Transport Evidence Base for Plan Making as required by National Planning Practice Guidance. Early thinking was also required on the requirements of the whole corridor to inform Tranches 2 and 3 of delivering the Greater Cambridge City Deal.

    The study is separate to, but links with the A10 Ely to King’s Lynn Study which was reported to the Committee in September and to the M11-A47 Extension Study which has been commissioned by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and is due to report in summer 2018.

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  • Hit and run by taxi - Milton Rd

    Created by Hilary Costello // 1 thread

    My friend was knocked off her bike by a grey taxi on Milton Road on Friday Feb 2 2018 between 8:40-8:45 am. She ended up in the middle of the road and no one stopped. She went to A&E and is thankfully OK, mostly just shaken up and bruised.

    She has reported the accident to the police who said they will mark it as an incident but not investigate. I've walked out to where it happened and there are cameras at the green end road/milton road intersection and at the guided busway that could help identify the taxi. Does anyone have any advice on how we could push the matter forward? It seems wrong that a taxi driver can hit someone, drive away and not even a little effort is put in to investigate?

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  • S/3372/17/CW Incinerator at Waterbeach on A10 opp. Denny Abbey

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Obviously a big deal for Waterbeach and surroundings. I'll restrict myself to cycling-related notes:

    Transport Assessment:

    3.1.6 [Over 600 HGV movements per day, albeit many seem to be already occurring on-site.]

    3.3.4 ... Whilst this is not considered to be a
    significant issue for experienced cycle users, it must be recognised that the
    A10 corridor does operate under 60mph national speed limit controls and is
    used for regular large HGV journeys. Such busy high speed routes typically
    do not represent an attractive cycle option for many potential cycle users

    3.3.5 It is understood that longer term CCC aspirations include the delivery of a
    dedicated cycle greenway route to Waterbeach village & the proposed
    Waterbeach Barracks / Airfield re-development, which could include for
    extensions towards the Waterbeach WMP site. Such proposals are believed
    to still be at a relatively early stage.

    (Site is very close to the Cambridge Research Park, which will have a cycle link built to the new Waterbeach development)

    Cycle Shelter:

    For employees and visitors they are using the same off-the-shelf Broxap cycle shelter with substandard 800mm spacing that we objected to at the Science Park.


    I think that our interest would be in ensuring that they properly integrate into any surrounding cycle network that is created by the Waterbeach development and that people cycling and walking are protected from the HGVs by having separated infrastructure and not sharing space (e.g. the entrance to the site for people cycling should be separate from the entrance for HGVs).

    Application for full planning permission for the construction and development of a Waste Recovery Facility (Waterbeach Waste Recovery Facility – WWRF) at Levitt’s Field, Waterbeach Waste Management Park (WWMP), Ely Road, Cambridge comprising the erection and operation of an Energy from Waste Facility to treat up to 250,000 tonnes of residual waste per annum, Air Cooled Condensers and associated infrastructure: including the development of an internal access road; office/welfare accommodation; workshop; car, cycle and coach parking; perimeter fencing; electricity sub-stations; weighbridges; weighbridge office; water tank; silos; lighting; heat off-take pipe; surface water management system; hardstanding; earthworks; landscaping; and bridge crossings.

    Levitt’s Field, Waterbeach Waste Management Park, Ely Road,, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9PQ


    Application reference : S/3372/17/CW

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  • Broxap cycle parking shelters do not meet standards

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    The Broxap 'Cambridge' Cycle Shelter (BXMW/CA/1) is intended and marketed to fit 24 cycle spaces provided by two rows of six Sheffield stands. The shelter is 5,000 mm long, which means that the spacing between Sheffield stands is only 800 mm, with 500 mm spaces on either side of the row:

    500 + 800 + 800 + 800 + 800 + 800 + 500 = 5,000

    The Cambridge Local Plan (2006) specifies that spacing between Sheffield stands should be 900 mm and newer advice suggests 1,000 mm.

    Should we write to the manufacturer and ask that they revise their design, especially if they intend to market this as a 'Cambridge' cycle shelter?

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  • S/4537/17/FL Science Park Unit 306 - new cycle shelters

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Proposal to demolish existing 24-space cycle parking (and a variety of other things) and renovate, including 3 new Broxap BXMW/CA/1 'Cambridge' Cycle Shelters with claimed 72 cycle parking spaces total. SCambs requirement seems to be 76 spaces, so slightly short.

    More alarmingly, it appears that the Broxamp 'Cambridge' Cycle Shelters are specified from the manufacturer to fit two rows of six Sheffield stands at 800mm centre-to-centre spacing, significantly below requirements!

    The applicants are simply installing what they believe are industry standard cycle shelters, but it seems that Broxap does not comply with typical cycle parking standards.

    Two storey entrance extension. External repairs to existing hard and soft landscaping. Erection of bin store and cycle shelter. Internal and external alterations.

    Unit 306,Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WG

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/4537/17/FL

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  • DfT consultation on Major Road Network

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    The latest in the government's insatiable thirst for blowing money on roads (induced demand, what's that?) might have a silver lining as one of the objectives is 'support all road users'. I think we should submit a response. Basic outline: they should apply IAN 195/16 on this proposed Major Road Network.

    Regarding Cambridge, the most immediately affected road would be the A10 north of the A14, and possibly south of Trumpington. The 'Major Road Network' in the vicinity of is the A14, M11, A11, A505 and the A10.

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  • S/4113/17/FL: 2 new dwellings. Adjacent to 30 & 32 Burgess Road, Waterbeach

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Planning Application Ref:

    Registration Date:

    Decision Date:

    Application Type:

    Full Planning
    Extension of time to:


    Waterbeach CP
    Main Location:

    Land adjacent No.s 30 & 32 Burgess Road, Waterbeach
    Full Description:

    Proposed development to erect 1No. 3bed and 1No. 4bed dwelling houses at Burgess Road.

    Out for Consultation

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  • S/3865/17/FL: Convenience store, 10 apartments 6 houses. Capper Road, Waterbeach

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment for a 345 sqm convenience store, 10 apartments and 6 houses, together with associated car and cycle parking and landscaping.

    Land at the corner of Capper and Cody Ro, Lancaster & Walmington House, Capper Road, WATERBEACH, CB25 9LY

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/3865/17/FL

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  • DfT Accessibility Action Plan Consultation

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    'My ambition is to ensure that people with physical and hidden disabilities have the same access to transport and opportunities to travel as everyone else. This consultation seeks to understand what more needs to be done to improve transport accessibility and is my first major action as Accessibility Minister.'

    We should respond to this consultation.

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