Waterbeach Cycling Campaign
Waterbeach and proposed new town to north Cambridge
Butt Lane - Mere way south vehicle barrier breached
On the south side of the junction Mere Way - Butt lane on the new track someone has both breached the ground fixing of the metal barrier and moved the large concrete block. This now allows vehicles to use Mere way south from Butt Lane, contrary to the council order and endangers all other users, including children commuting to IVC.
This barrier needs closing ASAP to protect users. -
23/04289/FUL Construction of new science park building
Demolition of existing buildings and structures, and erection of building (Class E(g)i/ii) with associated access, site infrastructure, landscaping and car and cycle parking provision.
Brookmount Court Kirkwood Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2QH
Application reference : 23/04289/FUL
Six-month closure of Halingway / Towpath
Announcement from Cam Conservancy:
Tree management Programme 2023/24 A recent tree survey has identified the necessity for pruning and in some cases felling dangerous trees to ensure the safety of those using the Halingway.A ‘TTRO’ Temporary Traffic Regulation Order has been approved to temporarily close sections of the Halingway/towpath (Chesterton to Clayhithe) between 1 November until 31 March 2024.
- There will be some temporary closures, of sections of the Halingway, for a few hours to deal with individual trees that present more pressing issues.
- Closures of longer duration between Baitsbite Lock to Grassy Corner , within the above dates, will be necessary to manage larger sections.
- All closures will be between the hours on 0900hrs-1700hrs, Monday to Friday
- Arrangements have been made to suspend closures for official rowing events.
- Scheduled closures will be updated regularly on the website diary.
The Conservancy appreciates this may cause some temporary inconvenience, however these works are necessary and have been planned to ensure the safety of those who use the Halingway and the staff carrying out the works.
overhanging overgrown vegetation
Starter; instructions for who to report overhanging or overgrown vegetation which is obstructing a cycle or footpath. Place for people to discuss specific examples as they seem to currently be spread out all over Cyclescape so hard to find.
North Cambridge Design Code consultation
A project from Greater Cambridge Shared Planning to inform urban design.
Cambridge Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) 2024
Cambridge City Council has launched its Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) for 2024, which gives residents the opportunity to identify where they would like the council to fund small-scale improvements to the city’s streets and open spaces.
Cambridge residents are invited to put forward their ideas for the EIP through the council's online consultation platform. A total of £170,000 is available to be allocated to the proposed projects – up to £5,000 is available for local projects unless they are strongly supported in which case up to £10,000 could be made available. Up to £20,000 is available for projects that will enhance larger areas of the city.
Election campaign 2024
It is important that we engage with the candidates at each election, scrutinise their views, and press for commitments to active travel and sustainable transport.
temporary fencing on Haling way
Temporary fencing, for no apparent purpose, that then becomes a hazard as it falls over or degrades.
Planning application : 23/00872/REM Plaza adjacent to proposed primary school
Plaza adjacent to proposed primary school on key phase 1
Waterbeach Barracks Key Phase 1 Primary School Plaza Denny End Road Waterbeach Cambridgeshire CB25 9PA
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/00872/REM
I haven't spotted whatever it is that is supposed to provide "access for picking up and dropping off pupils". There seems to be a 5-Sheffield toastrack ("exact product TBC") on what looks like the 'drive' (next to 'He' which means heritage surface coarse asphalt). I do not see anything that would encourage use of Bakfiets etc.