Things tagged 'busway'

limited to the area of Waterbeach Cycling Campaign:

5 issues found for 'busway':

  • 21-month closure of cycle path from Cambridge North to Milton Road

    Anon // 1 thread

    At the end of this blog post, it's reported that the segregated cycle path from Cambridge North station to the north of the Business Park will be closed to cyclists from March 2019 to December 2020 (a period of 21 months), for utility works relating to development on the Cambridge North site. Cyclists are to be diverted to the south side path (along the busway); pedestrian access on the north side will apparently be maintained.

    In particular, this appears to prevent cyclist use of the recently opened gate at the south end of the Business Park for the duration of the works (unless perhaps one pushes one's cycle). Getting from or through Cambridge North to the Science Park will be less convenient, too.

    Full text from Camcycle blog post. (Robin Heydon tells me this information originally came from Brookgate.)

    Development at Cambridge North

    Early works have begun on the further development around Cambridge North, where new offices and a hotel will be built. Within the next couple of months, a major cyclist diversion will be put in place which reroutes cyclists accessing the station via the segregated path along Cowley Road. This will be closed to allow utility works from Milton Road down to the station. Cyclists will be redirected along the Busway cycleway from Milton Road. There will continue to be road access for cyclists to the industrial and residential units off Cowley Road (including the Camcycle office), but not beyond this point. Note that there will be a signifidant increase in construction traffic along Cowley Road.

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  • cycle thefts from busway stops

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    I subscribe to the Histon/Impington/Milton/Longstanton e-cops mailing list. We are now getting daily updates of crimes in the sector.

    I'm noticing a lot of thefts of cycles parked at the various busway stops. Actually the busway stops are frankly useless unless you do park a bike there. The one at Swavesey is a good half a mile from the nearest end of the village. The one at Longstanton is similar. Most of Histon is a fair old hike on foot from Histon station. I suspect many who use the busway from further afield keep a bike at the Science Park or Orchard Park to avoid the traffic queues or to actually get to where they want to go without having to go all the way into the city and back out again.

    Does anyone else have any anecdotal data on a) numbers of people who cycle at one or both ends of their busway journey and b) cycle theft statistics?

    I'm seeing reports several times a week. At this rate, it makes using a bicycle to get to and from the busway unsustainable.

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  • HGV and LGV traffic on Nuffield Road

    Created by Klaas Brümann // 1 thread

    Campaign for a 300m section of the unguided busway between Milton Road and the pedestrian and cyclists access at the end of Nuffield Close to be built as a road, providing a more direct access for lorries and cars to the trading estate.

    Nuffield Road’s residential section should then be cut-off for motorised through traffic just past Discovery Way, turning the first part of Nuffield Road into a residential close.

    Picture Gallery:

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  • Evil posts on busway cycleway

    Created by David Earl // 4 threads

    There are some evil short grey posts on the busway cycleway that are really hard to see in the dark. I have heard of a number of people hitting them with disastrous consequences

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7 threads found for 'busway':

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